martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


Thomson Reuters Web of KnowledgeSM is a research platform that gives you access to objective content and powerful tools to search, track, measure and collaborate in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. This intelligent research platform provides access to the world's leading citation databases, including powerful cited reference searching, the Analyze Tool, and over 100 years of comprehensive backfile and citation data.

With Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge, you choose the resources that you need - there's no need to subscribe to unnecessary or extraneous databases. Combine renowned multidisciplinary databases with content-specific selections and tools for analysis and measurement to create the Web of Knowledge that turns raw data into the powerful knowledge you need.
Citations symbolize the association of scientific ideas. Web of Knowledge uniquely indexes both cited and citing works - which enables the user to make explicit links between current research and prior scientific works.
  • Use cited reference data to move both backward and forward in time to track and determine research influence.
  • Use citation analysis to find influential authors who are publishing high-impact research in your field, discover important author and/or institutional research collaborations, determine where the most impactful research is being published.
  • Analyze research from high-impact journalsin the Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities, and seamlessly link to full-text articles 

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